Learn how to build recommender systems and help people discover new products and content with deep learning, neural networks, and machine learning recommendations.
1. Getting Started
Install Anaconda, review course materials, and create movie recommendations
Course roadmap
Understanding you through implicit and explicit ratings
Top-N recommender architecture
Review the basics of recommender systems
2. Introduction to Python
Data structures in Python
Functions in Python
Booleans, loops, and a hands-on challenge
3. Evaluating Recommender Systems
Train/test and cross-validation
Accuracy metrics (RMSE and MAE)
Top-N hit rate: Many ways
Coverage, diversity, and novelty
Churn, responsiveness, and A/B tests
Review ways to measure your recommender
Walkthrough of RecommenderMetrics.py
Walkthrough of TestMetrics.py
Measure the performance of SVD recommendations
4. A Recommender Engine Framework
Our recommender engine architecture
Recommender engine walkthrough, part 1
Recommender engine walkthrough, part 2
Review the results of our algorithm evaluation
5. Content-Based Filtering
Content-based recommendations and the cosine similarity metric
K-nearest neighbors (KNN) and content recs
Producing and evaluating content-based movie recommendations