Explore the principles of defense in depth as you prepare for the Security Monitoring portion of the Cisco Cybersecurity Operations Fundamentals (CBROPS) exam.
Active security monitoring
Prepare for Cisco CBROPS exam
Setting up your test environment
1. Understanding Attacks
Recognizing attack surfaces
Identifying vulnerability testing
Attacking the network
Describing web application attacks
Hacking the human
Investigating endpoint-based attacks
Challenge: Research and identify social engineering attacks
Solution: Research and identify social engineering attacks
2. Examining System Data
Exploring CLI tools
Analyzing data with NetFlow
Monitoring traffic with a stateful firewall
Deploying a next-generation firewall
Having application visibility and control
Filtering web and email content
Challenge: Using NetFlow in Packet Tracer
Solution: Using NetFlow in Packet Tracer
3. Comparing Data Types Used in Security Monitoring
Obtaining a packet capture with Wireshark
Understanding conversations and endpoints
Visualizing session and transactional data
Analyzing statistical data
Sending alert data
Investigating an IDS alert
Challenge: Using Wireshark to examine DNS traffic
Solution: Using Wireshark to examine DNS traffic
4. Limiting Data Visibility
Using an access control list
Concealing the network using NAT/PAT
Evading and hiding techniques
Tunneling and encapsulation
Using encryption to hide
5. Using Certificates
Protecting data and networks
Ensuring trust on the Internet
Examining an X.509 certificate
Describing certificate classes
Grasping the public key cryptography standards (PKCS)