Jenkins Tutorial For Beginners (DevOps and Developers)

بواسطة: Udemy


Learn How to Create And Schedule jobs in Jenkins, the standard in open-source CI (continuous integration) tools.

What you'll learn:
  • Learn the fundamentals of Jenkins
  • Best practices of working with Jenkins
  • Jenkins Pipelines
  • Use Jenkins for Continuous Integration
  • Launch Builds on Slave Nodes
  • Schedule Builds
  • Create and Manage Builds
  • User Management in Jenkins

This course Jenkins Tutorial is For Beginners, DevOps and Software Developers. Learn how to use continuous integration with Jenkins. Take your DevOps skills.

Jenkins is an open source automation server written in Java. Jenkins detects changes in Subversion/GIT..., performs tasks, repeatedly such as Build, Test, Deploy, Package, Integrate.. Jenkins is A fork of the original Hudson project an is Under development since 2005. Jenkins plugins extensibility makes Jenkins to adapt to many systems. Jenkins provides everything for a robust continuous integration system which helps a lot for team that practice Agile Jenkins continuously providing access to the working copies of software which supports the Agile principle.

The goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of Jenkins CI (continuous integration) tool. We'll start with the basics, starting from installing Scalaon different Operating Systems like Window, Mac and Linux.

I believe the best way to learn is to understand how a tool works and what it does for you, look at examples, and then try it yourself. That's how this course is built, with the goal to help you both learn and understand Jenkins .

Taught by

Yogesh Patel

Jenkins Tutorial For Beginners (DevOps and Developers)
الذهاب الي الدورة

Jenkins Tutorial For Beginners (DevOps and Developers)

بواسطة: Udemy

  • Udemy
  • مدفوعة
  • الإنجليزية
  • متاح شهادة
  • متاح في أي وقت
  • beginner
  • English