Learn Advanced Data Structures with Python: Trees

بواسطة: Codecademy


Learn how to use tries and binary indexed trees for efficient search implementations.
Continue your Python 3 learning journey with Learn Advanced Data Structures with Python: Trees. Learn how to use prefix trees, or tries for short, tree-like data structures in which each node contains links to nodes representing characters. Then learn how to use binary index trees to compute an accumulation in O(logn) time.

### Notes on Prerequisites
We recommend that you complete [Learn Advanced Algorithms with Python: String Searching Algorithms](https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-advanced-algorithms-with-python-string-searching-algorithms) before completing this course.


  • Trees: Learn about tries and binary indexed trees for efficient search implementations!
    • Article: Introduction to Tries
    • Lesson: Implementing Tries in Python
    • Quiz: Tries
    • Article: Introduction to Binary Indexed Trees
    • Lesson: Implementing Binary Indexed Trees in Python
    • Quiz: Binary Indexed Trees
    • Informational: Next Steps
Learn Advanced Data Structures with Python: Trees
الذهاب الي الدورة

Learn Advanced Data Structures with Python: Trees

بواسطة: Codecademy

  • Codecademy
  • مجانية
  • الإنجليزية
  • متاح شهادة
  • متاح في أي وقت
  • advanced
  • N/A