Learn Ansible by Doing

بواسطة: A Cloud Guru


You learn faster and better when you learn by doing. With that in mind, this course is designed to allow you to practice core Ansible Configuration Management and Deployment through a 100% hands-on experience. To accomplish this, we have hand-selected a set of the best Ansible Hands-on Labs we have to offer.Everything you do in this course will be on one or more of our servers provisioned with whatever you need through our Hands-on Lab and Cloud Playground platform.No reason to wait – Learn by Doing today!!


  • Getting Started
  • Installation and Configuration
  • Plays and Playbooks
  • Roles
  • Working With Files
  • Ansible Vault

Taught by

Terry Cox

Learn Ansible by Doing
الذهاب الي الدورة

Learn Ansible by Doing

بواسطة: A Cloud Guru

  • A Cloud Guru
  • مدفوعة
  • الإنجليزية
  • متاح شهادة
  • متاح في أي وقت
  • الجميع
  • N/A