SQL Server upgrades

بواسطة: N/A


  • Module 1: Introduction to Upgrading SQL Server
  • In this module, you will:

    • Identify databases for upgrade to a newer version of SQL Server
    • Document the databases in your environment
    • Choose the appropriate method for upgrading a database
    • Test a database following an upgrade
    • Tune queries after migration to maintain performance
  • Module 2: SQL Server Discovery using MAP
  • In this module, you will:

    • Decide if MAP is the best tool to use for a given administration task
    • Install MAP on your client machine
    • Connect to instances of SQL Server
    • Automate the collection of inventory data about your database landscape
  • Module 3: Assess and convert SQL Server databases using the Data Migration Assistant (DMA)
  • In this module, you will:

    • Decide if the DMA is the best tool to use for a given administration task
    • Install the DMA on your client machine
    • Identify compatibility issues prior to upgrade
    • Upgrade a database using the DMA
  • Module 4: Test and optimize SQL Server databases using the Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA)
  • In this module, you will:

    • Decide if DEA is the right tool for your workload testing
    • Install DEA on your client machine
    • Test a typical workload on an upgraded database
    • Review the results of a trace analysis report
  • Module 5: Use the SQL Server Query Tuning Assistant
  • In this module, you will:

    • Decide if QTA is the right solution for them.
    • Use the Query Store to assess query performance.
    • Understand how QTA works to find regressing queries.
    • Tune queries after migration to maintain performance


  • Module 1: Introduction to upgrading SQL Server
    • Introduction
    • Decide if an upgrade is right for your task
    • Discover your database landscape
    • Assess and convert your databases
    • Test your migration
    • Knowledge check - upgrade SQL Server versions
    • Tune queries post migration
    • Knowledge check - upgrade SQL Server tools
    • Summary
  • Module 2: SQL Server Discovery using the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) toolkit
    • Introduction
    • Decide if MAP is right for your task
    • Install the MAP toolkit
    • Collect and assess inventory data
    • Exercise - Install the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit
    • Exercise - Collect and assess inventory data
    • Summary
  • Module 3: Assess and convert SQL Server databases using the Data Migration Assistant (DMA)
    • Introduction
    • Decide if the Data Migration Assistant (DMA) is right for your task
    • Install the DMA
    • Identify compatibility issues
    • Upgrade a database
    • Create Azure SQL virtual machine
    • Exercise: Install the Data Migration Assistant (DMA)
    • Exercise: Identify compatibility issues
    • Exercise: Upgrade a database
    • Summary
  • Module 4: Test and optimize SQL Server databases using the Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA)
    • Introduction
    • Decide if DEA is right for your task
    • Install DEA
    • Configure a new capture
    • Review a trace analysis report
    • Exercise - Install the Database Experimentation Assistant
    • Exercise - Configure a new capture with DEA
    • Exercise - Review a trace analysis report in DEA
    • Summary
  • Module 5: Use the SQL Server Query Tuning Assistant
    • Introduction
    • Decide if QTA is right for you
    • Get started with QTA
    • Tune queries with QTA
    • Knowledge check - Use the SQL Server Query Tuning Assistant
    • Summary
SQL Server upgrades
الذهاب الي الدورة

SQL Server upgrades

بواسطة: N/A

  • N/A
  • مجانية
  • الإنجليزية
  • متاح شهادة
  • متاح في أي وقت
  • intermediate
  • N/A