Stanford Seminar - From Haptic Illusions to Beyond Real Interactions in Virtual Reality.
Stanford Seminar - Exuberant Systems: Game Design Against Climate Catastrophe, Heather Kelley.
Stanford Seminar - Cognitively Appropriate Computing Education for Young Learners, Griffin Dietz.
Stanford Seminar - Accessible Extended Reality (XR).
Stanford Seminar - Speculation and Resonation.
Stanford Seminar - Design in an Automated Future, Ovetta Sampson.
Stanford Seminar - Ethical design for digital wellbeing and mental health.
Stanford Seminar - Building from Play to Shape Better Future(s) for Social Technology.
Stanford Seminar - The What & Why of Continuous Discovery, Teresa Torres.
Stanford Seminar - Making dynamic visual media easy, accessible, improvisational, and powerful.
Stanford Seminar - Developing Design Spaces for Visualization - Tamara Munzner.
Stanford Seminar - I❤️ LA: Compilable Markdown for Linear Algebra.
Stanford Seminar - The Power of Visual Representations.
Stanford Seminar - Plastic Dynamism: Delightful Decomposition, Destruction, & Digestive Designs.
Stanford Seminar - Behavior-Driven Optimization for Interactive Data Exploration.
Stanford Seminar - Programming Tools for the Future of Data Science, Sarah Chasins.
Stanford Seminar - Why does where people look matter? Applications of visual attention modeling.
Stanford Seminar - Making Videos Accessible - Amy Pavel.
Stanford Seminar - Theories of inference for visual analysis.
Stanford Seminar - Designing Tools for Remote Communication in Programming.
Stanford Seminar - Multimodal Interfaces for Equity.
Stanford Seminar - Driving Exploratory Visualization through Perception & Cognition.
Stanford Seminar - Speculation and the Design of Development.
Stanford Seminar - Rethinking the AI-UX Boundary for Designing Human-AI Experiences.
Stanford Seminar - Discovering Inspirational Examples in Engineering Design.
Stanford Seminar - Imagine All The People On A Trustworthy Internet, Marshini Chetty.
Stanford Seminar - Extended Reality for Everybody, Michael Nebeling.
Stanford Seminar - Interactive structures.
Stanford Seminar - Bias and Representation in Sociotechnical Systems.
Stanford Seminar - Should you believe Wikipedia?.
Stanford Seminar - What is Anti-Racist Technology?.
Stanford Seminar - Reckoning with Design.
Stanford Seminar - Designing for Voice.
Stanford Seminar - Social Comparison and Social Connectedness, Nicole Ellison.
Stanford Seminar - Thesis Defense: Smart Tutoring Through Conversational Interfaces.
Stanford Seminar - Designing for Human - AI Complementarity.
Stanford Seminar - Accessible Virtual Reality for People with Limited Mobility.
Stanford Seminar - Designing Assistive Technologies for Agency.
Stanford Seminar - Considerations for Collaborative Robotics, Monroe Kennedy III.
Stanford Seminar-Design of Online Environments and the Quality of Democratic Discourse At-Scale.
Stanford Seminar-Building Chairables: Designing Technologies for Accessibility and Engagement.
Stanford Seminar - Artistic Vision: Providing Contextual Guidance for Capture-Time Decisions.
Stanford Seminar - Video is the Core Communication Tool of the Future.
Stanford Seminar - Designing to Empower Marginalized Communities through Social Technology.
Stanford Seminar - Building Safe Digital Products, Lisa Welchman.
Stanford Seminar - Moving from hobby to application, Jen Mankoff.
Stanford Seminar - We used to have cake, now all that's left is icing.
Stanford Seminar - The Sisyphean Cycle of Technology Panics.
Stanford Seminar - Accessibility and the AI Autumn - Jeff Bigham.
Stanford Seminar - Beyond Web Search.
Stanford Seminar - Thesis Defense: Designing in-situ Interaction with Ubiquitous Robots.
Stanford Seminar - Research at the Service of Free Knowledge.
Stanford Seminar - What can HCI learn from Architecture about interaction?.
Stanford Seminar - Mind in Motion: How Action Shapes Thought.
Stanford Seminar - Question Makers.
Stanford Seminar - Designing a New American Dream: Thoughts on Inclusion, Durability, and Play.
Stanford Seminar - The Stark Future of Trust Online.
Stanford Seminar - Quo Vadis Augmented Reality?.
Stanford Seminar - Three Lessons Towards Ethical Tech.
Stanford Seminar - Beyond "Bots and Trolls" - Understanding Disinformation as Collaborative Work.
Stanford Seminar - Participating and Designing around Algorithmic Sociotechnical Systems.
Stanford Seminar - Designing and deploying social computing systems inside and outside the lab.
Stanford Seminar - HabitLab: In-the-wild Behavior Change Experiments at Scale.
Stanford Seminar - Creating Interfaces with Rich Physical Properties Through Digital Fabricationity.
Stanford Seminar - Spatial Reasoning for Human-Robot Interaction.
Stanford Seminar - A Universal Model for Deconstructing the User Interface.
Stanford Seminar - Inclusive Design, Ethical Tech, and All of Us.
Stanford Seminar - The Role of Technology in Understanding Perspectives on Aging and Health.
Stanford Seminar - Designing Culturally-relevant Educational Technology at a Global Scale.
Stanford Seminar - The Material of the 21st Century: Moving beyond Moore and Weiser.
Stanford Seminar - Towards Unified Principles of Interaction.
Stanford Seminar - Addressing Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities in Mobile HCI.
Stanford Seminar - Morphing Matter, a Materialized Interface.
Stanford Seminar - Design for Collective Action.
Stanford Seminar - What comes after design thinking?.
Stanford Seminar - WeBuildAI: Participatory framework for algorithmic governance.
Stanford Seminar - example-driven interfaces (EDIs) can support a variety of data tasks.
Stanford Seminar - Making Legs and Practicing Neurosurgery with Maker Software.
Stanford Seminar - Future Ethics.
Stanford Seminar - Microgenres: (Mis)Classifying Disciplinary Style.
Stanford Seminar - Human-in-the-loop Computational Design.
Stanford Seminar - Learning, Memory, and Metacognitive Control.
Stanford Seminar - Augmented Reality and Accessibility.
Stanford Seminar - Mobile, Social, and Fashion: Three Stories from Data-Driven Design.
Stanford Seminar - Data-Driven Solutions for Personal Health.
Stanford Seminar - Tech + Ethics: Does the Tech Industry Have Our Best Interest in Mind?.
Stanford Seminar - Machine Learning for Creativity, Interaction, and Inclusion.
Stanford Seminar - Sensor Tracking Behavior in the Workplace.
Stanford Seminar - Designing for Teens' & Young Adults' Engagement with Digital Health.
Stanford Seminar - Bounced Checks at the UI/AI Intersection.
Stanford Seminar - Revealing Data: Creepy or Curious?.
Stanford Seminar - Human in the Loop Reinforcement Learning.
Stanford Seminar - Digital Technologies and Intimate Partner Violence.
Stanford Seminar - User Frustration with "User Engagement".
Stanford Seminar - Making "Making" Accessible.
Stanford Seminar - The Future of Personal Computing.
Stanford Seminar - How to Haptic: Supporting Design of Haptic Interactions.
Stanford Seminar - Learning to Code: Why we Fail, How We Flourish.
Stanford Seminar - Productive Efficiency, Ideology, and AI in Wikipedia.
Stanford Seminar - Design Fiction.
Stanford Seminar: Human-Centered Methods for Improving API Usability.
Stanford Seminar: Beyond Personalization Using Platforms.
Stanford Seminar: Computational Ecosystems.
Stanford Seminar - Tools for Creativity: The Story of Paper, Pencil, and Paste.
Stanford Seminar: Explorations into Embodied Knowledge and AR/VR.
Stanford Seminar - Antisocial Computing.
Stanford Seminar - Crowdsourcing for Machine Learning.
Stanford Seminar: Solving Photo Mysteries with Expert-Led Crowdsourcing.
Stanford Seminar: Advancing Collective Innovation.
Stanford Seminar: Taking AR to Task - Explaining Where and How in the Real World.
Stanford Seminar: Writing Software Faster with Crowds.
Stanford Seminar: Creating, Sharing, and Privacy - Designing Social Technologies for Older Adults.
Stanford Seminar: Modern Touchscreen Keyboards as Intelligent User Interfaces - A Research Review.
Stanford Seminar: Peeking at A/B Tests - Why It Matters and What to Do About It.
Stanford Seminar: Designing Community Engagement.
Stanford Seminar: The Science of Learning, Data, and Transformation in Higher Education.
Stanford Seminar: High-Tempo Peer Information Aggregation in Response to Developing Events.
Stanford Seminar: Method and Application to Congressional Speech.
Stanford Seminar: Buildings Machines That Understand and Shape Human Emotion.
Stanford Seminar: Making Sense of Algorithms in News Feeds.
Stanford Seminar: Designing Social Technologies.
Stanford Seminar: 42 years of Phenomenological AR for Natural/Reality/Direct User-Interfaces.
Stanford Seminar: A Computational Approach to Criminal Justice.
Stanford Seminar: Playing Politics - Joseph DeLappe.
Stanford Seminar: Expert Crowdsourcing with Flash Teams and Organizations.
Stanford Seminar: Robotics in Our Everyday Lives: A Product Designer's Perspective.
Stanford Seminar: Designing the iPhone's Magic Flute - Ge Wang.
Stanford Seminar: What Media Will Communicate Climate Change? - Greg Niemeyer.
Stanford Seminar - Augmented Realism through Relevant Minimalism.
Stanford Seminar - Video Games for Problem Solving.
Stanford Seminar - Decision Making at Scale: Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Platforms.
Stanford Seminar - Reflecting on HCI: Perennial Questions, Emerging Technospaces.
Stanford Seminar - Insights from Patient Authored Text: From Close Reading to Automated Extraction.
Stanford Seminar - A GPU-Accelerated Software Framework for using 3D Depth Sensor Data.
Stanford Seminar - Instroducing a Model of Coordinated Action (MoCA).
Stanford Seminar - Real World Application of Machine Learning for Social Change.
Stanford Seminar-Stories from CoCoLab: Probabilistic Programs, Cognative Modeling, & Smart Web Pages.
Stanford Seminar - Two Faces of Video: Enterprise and Consumer Contexts for Video Calling.
Stanford Seminar - Collaborative News: From "Narcotweets" to Journalism-as-a-Service.
Stanford Seminar - Work as Coordination and Coordination as Work.
Stanford Seminar - Empowering Users to Make Privacy and Security Decisions on Mobile Devices.
Stanford Seminar - Building an Accessible Web.
Stanford Seminar - Designing Experiments for Behavior Change.
Stanford Seminar - The Art of Tinkering: Loose Parts, Danger and Self-Directed Learning.
Stanford Seminar - Technology and Memory: From Lifelogging to Strategic Reminiscence.
Stanford Seminar - Centering the Humans in Human Computation.
Stanford Seminar - Using Big Data to Discover Tacit Knowledge and Improve Learning.
Stanford Seminar - Lowering the Barriers to Learning Complex Visual Design Tools.
Stanford Seminar-Reconfiguring Sociomateriality.
Stanford Seminar - Expressing yourself in R.
Stanford Seminar - From Falling Text to Custom Glass- Adventures in Interactive Art.
Stanford Seminar - "Design at Large" Scott Klemmer of UC San Diego.
Stanford Seminar - 3D Printed Optics: Visible and Beyond.
Stanford Seminar - Designing for Older Adults: Usability Considerations for Real Users.
Stanford Seminar - Supporting Fast-Response Medical Teams Through Interactive Information Displays.
Stanford Seminar - Design Thinking Tools for the Individual, Group and Community.
Stanford Seminar - Culmulative Innovation & Open Disclosure of Intermediate Results.
Stanford Seminar - Building Social (and Discussion) Software for the Anti-Social.
Stanford Seminar - Beyond Flat Displays: Interactivity on Any Surface.
Stanford Seminar - Fieldwork: Digital Art as Inquiry in the Open Studio.
Stanford Seminar - Magical Thinking: Fear, Wonder & Technology.
Stanford Seminar - Managing Personal Information with Private, Accountable Crowdsourcing.
Stanford Seminar - Design Mining the Web, Ranjitha Kumar.
Stanford Seminar - Dynamic Procedure Aids Support - Rapid Assimilation of Information.
Stanford Seminar - Beam Yourself Anywhere: The Research & Development of Remote Presence Technology.
Stanford Seminar - Filling in the H in CHI, Terry Winograd.
Stanford Seminar - The Things I Wish I Knew - Lessons Learned from Making Data Product.
Stanford Seminar - Medical Checklists, Crisis Attention and Interactive Cognitive Aids.
Stanford Seminar - Data Mining Meets HCI: Making Sense of Large Graphs.
Stanford Seminar - Crowds, networks, and data as catalysts for interactive systems.
Stanford Seminar - Representation Technologies.
Stanford Seminar - Collaboration & Collective Action the Next Wave of Social Gaming.
Stanford Seminar - Living, Breathing Data.
Stanford Seminar - Exposure to Political Diversity Online.
Stanford Seminar - Designing The Digital University.
Stanford Seminar - Crossing Boundaries: Travels Between Technology and the Humanities.
Stanford Seminar - How Users Evaluate Things and Each Other in Social Media.
Stanford Seminar - Big Data as Both A Window and A Mirror.
Stanford Seminar - Comfortable, Communcal, and Creative Computing, Jofish Kaye.
Stanford Seminar - Designing Calming Technology.
Stanford Seminar - Balancing Design and Technology to Tackle Global Grand Challenges.
Stanford Seminar - Technologies and Strategies for an Emerging Participatory Culture.
Stanford Seminar - Crowdsourcing: Achieving Data Quality with Imperfect Humans.
Stanford Seminar - CitiSense: Always-on Participatory Sensing for Air Quality.
Stanford Seminar - Crowds, Crisis & Convergence: Unpacking "Crowdsourcing" in Context of Disaster.
Stanford Seminar - Interactivity as a Medium.
Stanford Seminar - Better Security and Privacy Hinges on Better Design: Two Case Studies.
Stanford Seminar - Conducting Usable Privacy and Security Studies: It's Complicated.
Stanford Seminar - Designing Material Interfaces.
Stanford Seminar - Seeing Like a Rover: Visualization, Embodiment, and Teamwork on the Mars Rover.
Stanford Seminar - Lab in the Wild: Tools for Large-Scale Experimentation in HCI.
Stanford Seminar - Goal Directed Design and the Future of Making.
Stanford Seminar - Emerging Trends and Applications of Light Field Displays.
Stanford Seminar - Context, or, How to Trick Your Users into Thinking You're a Genius.
Stanford Seminar - Posthuman-Centered Design.
Stanford Seminar - Structuring Peer Interactions for Learning at Scale.
Stanford Seminar - Remember When Nobody Knew You Were a Dog.
Stanford Seminar - Crowdsourcing and Robots for Public Transit Users of All Abilities.
Stanford Seminar - Distracted? Let's Demand a New Kind of Design.
Stanford Seminar - Design Tools for Fabrication.
Stanford Seminar - Towards Usable Machine Learning.
Stanford Seminar - Nudging People Toward Exposure to Politically Diverse News Sources.
Stanford Seminar - Enabling New Input Dimensions for Mobile Interaction.
Stanford Seminar - Through the Experimentalist's Lens: Social Computing Research in Balance.
Stanford Seminar - Understanding Mobile Device Use.
Stanford Seminar - Using Play to Innovate Sociable Wearable and Sensor-based Experiences.
Stanford Seminar - HCI/UX in Sci-Fi Movies and TV: The Last 100 Years of the Future.
Stanford Seminar - Designing Crowdsourcing Techniques Based on Expert Creative Practice.
Stanford Seminar - Interactive Design Tools for the Maker Movement.
Stanford Seminar - A New You: From Augmented Reality to Augmented Human.
Stanford Seminar - Slow Search.
Stanford Seminar - Innovating for Billions: Inverting the Research and Funding Models.
Stanford Seminar - Understanding and Reducing the User Burdens in Applications.
Stanford Seminar - Tracking Behavioral Symptoms of Mental Health.
Stanford Seminar - Making Everything Interactive or Why Physical Word is the Next Frontier.
Stanford Seminar - Small Objects, Big Questions: Rapid Response Collecting at the V&A.
Stanford Seminar - HCI4D: Cultural Learning of India for Make Benefit Glorious Field of HCI.
Stanford Seminar - Oppurtunities and Challenges of Social Media in Peresonal and Societal Well-Being.
Stanford Seminar - Interactive Systems for Learning Programming at Scale.
Stanford Seminar - Trust and the Cute Machine.
Stanford Seminar - Interactive Biotechnology: Cloud Labs, Biotic Games, Museum Exhibits, DIY Kits.
Stanford Seminar - Mass Collaboration for Social Research in the Digital Age.
Stanford Seminar - Teaching as Coaching and Learning at Scale.
Stanford Seminar - Affect, Affordances and the Psychology of Social Media.
Stanford Seminar - David Broockman, Stanford University.