Affective Computing

Brought by: Swayam


ABOUT THE COURSE: Affective Computing focuses on enabling the machines with emotion recognition and adaptive interaction. It lies in the intersection of Computer Science, design and human psychology. This course will overview the emotion theory, computational modelling of emotions, analysis of emotions using different modalities (such as voice, facial expressions, physiological signals etc) and related machine learning and/or signal processing techniques. We will also discuss ethical, legal and social implications of affective computing particularly in relation to Human-Machine Interaction.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Senior UG and PG Students PREREQUISITES: Mandatory Prerequisites: 1.Programming 2.Artificial Intelligence 3.Machine LearningDesirable Prerequisites: 4.Human-Computer Interaction 5.Deep LearningINDUSTRY SUPPORT: In general, any company industry working with AI/ML will recognize this course. Some examples include: 1.Amazon 2.Apple 3.Google 4.Meta 5.Microsoft


Week 1: Fundamentals of Affective Computing Week 2:Emotion Theory and Emotional Design Week 3:Experimental Design: Affect Elicitation; Research and Development Tools Week 4:Emotions in Voice Week 5:Emotions in Facial Expressions Week 6:Emotions in Text Week 7:Emotions in Physiological Signals Week 8:Multimodal Emotion Recognition Week 9:Emotional Empathy in Agents/Machines/Robots Week 10:Online and Adaptive Recognition of Emotions: Challenges and Opportunities Week 11:Case Study: Updated from Time to Time Week 12:Ethical Issues: Ethical, legal and Social Implications of Affective Computing

Taught by

Prof. Jainendra Shukla, Prof. Abhinav Dhall

Affective Computing
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Affective Computing

Brought by: Swayam

  • Swayam
  • Free
  • English
  • Certificate Available
  • Certain days
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