BI Clients and Applications on SAP HANA

Brought by: openSAP


SAP Business Intelligence delivers insight into every aspect of your organization by distributing information on premise, on device, and via the cloud. With native integration to SAP HANA, users have the ability to model business scenarios in real-time, adding tremendous value to your business.

In this course, you will gain hands-on experience in deploying business intelligence (BI) on SAP HANA, leveraging it both as a data source and as a platform. Learn how SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.1 is optimized for SAP HANA, and explore new features that take advantage of the speed and agility offered by SAP HANA. Benefit from best practices around design, development, and troubleshooting of BI content from SAP’s Strategic Customer Engagements (SCE) team. Simplify your SAP BusinessObjects BI toolkit with scenarios that help you select the right client for a particular business need.

You will also have the opportunity to experience SAP Lumira in the Desktop, Cloud, and Server releases, to create amazing visualizations that can be consumed anywhere. Take full advantage of the functionality offered in the latest release to update your business intelligence strategy and change the way your organization thinks about BI.

The registration, learning content, and final exam are free of charge. As an optional add-on, you will be able to leverage a series of hands-on exercises to reinforce your learning on a trial image for a very reasonable cost, if desired. However, you can complete the course successfully without taking part in the hands-on exercises.

Course Requirements:

  • Experience using SAP BI products and client tools
  • Understanding of core database concepts such as SQL, joins, and functions
  • Knowledge of Web development concepts such as HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS is an advantage, but not essential.


  • Week 1: SAP HANA as an Analytics Platform
  • Week 2: Self-Service
  • Week 3: Dashboards and Applications
  • Week 4: Semantic Layer and Reporting
  • Week 5: Mobility and Cloud
  • Week 6: User Experience Tools and Features
  • Week 7: Final Exam

Taught by

James Rapp, Harjeet Judge and Foroohar Rafiei

BI Clients and Applications on SAP HANA
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BI Clients and Applications on SAP HANA

Brought by: openSAP

  • openSAP
  • Free
  • English
  • Certificate Not Available
  • Available at any time
  • All
  • N/A