Creativity, community and ICT

Brought by: OpenLearn


What do you think being creative means? This free course, Creativity, community and ICT, engages with the debates surrounding the term 'creativity' and explores ways in which ICT creates new opportunities for creativity and collaborative working. The course would be of interest to teachers, parents and carers, and can be studied on an individual basis or as part of a school-based training session.


  • Introduction
  • Learning outcomes
  • 1 Exploring creativity
  • 1 Exploring creativity
  • 1.1 Creating creativity
  • 1.2 Influences on creativity
  • 1.3 How can ICT support creativity?
  • 1.4 What is creativity?
  • 2 Creative communities and ICT
  • 2 Creative communities and ICT
  • 3 A knowledge-building community
  • 3 A knowledge-building community
  • 3.1 Introduction
  • 3.2 Case Study 1: Caswell's cockroaches
  • 4 Collaborative creativity
  • 4 Collaborative creativity
  • 4.1 Introduction
  • 4.2 Case Study 2: A digital arts collaboration
  • 5 A community of writers
  • 5 A community of writers
  • 5.1 Introduction
  • 5.2 Case study 3: Menon poetry
  • 6 One hundred possibilities
  • 6 One hundred possibilities
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Acknowledgements
Creativity, community and ICT
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Creativity, community and ICT

Brought by: OpenLearn

  • OpenLearn
  • Free
  • English
  • Certificate Available
  • Available at any time
  • beginner
  • N/A