GitHub Actions Deep Dive

Brought by: A Cloud Guru


Continuous integration, delivery, and deployment are quickly going from nice-to-haves to must-haves in any software development project. GitHub Actions is emerging as a fast-growing CI/CD solution — it’s simple to get started, has strong integration with third-party tools and cloud providers, and has a robust, engaged community. This course will examine GitHub Actions’ approach to CI/CD — developing workflows, managing jobs, and securing resources. It will demonstrate how to leverage other GitHub services with Actions. It will go step-by-step through setting up a CI/CD workflow for an AWS Lambda function. Finally, learners will build their own GitHub Actions workflow to deploy a static site to an S3 bucket.


  • Introduction
  • What Is GitHub Actions?
  • Building Your Workflow
  • Enhancing Your Workflow
  • Conclusion

Taught by

Wes Coffay

GitHub Actions Deep Dive
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GitHub Actions Deep Dive

Brought by: A Cloud Guru

  • A Cloud Guru
  • Paid
  • English
  • Certificate Available
  • Available at any time
  • All
  • N/A