Intro to AI Ethics

Brought by: Kaggle


Explore practical tools to guide the moral design of AI systems.

  • Learn what to expect from the course.
  • Design systems that serve people’s needs. Navigate issues in several real-world scenarios.
  • Bias can creep in at any stage in the pipeline. Investigate a simple model that identifies toxic text.
  • Learn about four different types of fairness. Assess a toy model trained to judge credit card applications.
  • Increase transparency by communicating key information about machine learning models.


  • Introduction to AI Ethics
  • Human-Centered Design for AI
  • Identifying Bias in AI
  • AI Fairness
  • Model Cards

Taught by

Alexis Cook and Var Shankar

Intro to AI Ethics
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Intro to AI Ethics

Brought by: Kaggle

  • Kaggle
  • Free
  • English
  • Certificate Available
  • Available at any time
  • All
  • N/A