Learn how to use GitHub Actions to automate many common developer tasks. Discover how to build workflows triggered by events, develop a CI/CD pipeline, and create custom actions.
Automating with GitHub Actions
What you should know
Exercise files
Working with YAML files
What's new in this update
1. Your First Action
Your first action
Workflow and action attributes
2. Connecting Actions with Workflows
Create a workflow
Add jobs and steps to a workflow
Add actions to a workflow
Run a workflow
Add dependencies between actions
Add conditions to a workflow
Workflow and action limitations
Challenge: Develop a complex workflow
Solution: Develop a complex workflow
3. Using Actions
Use an action from the Marketplace
Use an action from a repository
Passing arguments to an action
Using environment variables
Using secrets
Using artifacts
Manage pull requests
Challenge: Develop a workflow that creates an artifact
Solution: Develop a workflow that creates an artifact
4. Developing a CI/CD Workflow
Plan your CI/CD pipeline
Linting and unit tests
Building and managing artifacts
Add a workflow status badge
Challenge: Develop a CI/CD pipeline for a Python script
Solution: Develop a CI/CD pipeline for a Python script