Optical Wireless Communications for Beyond 5G Networks and IoT

Brought by: Swayam


ABOUT THE COURSE:Optical Wireless Communications (OWC) has become a promising technology for supporting high-data-rate 5G communication and the massive connectivity of IoT. This course broadly covers the four important aspects of OWC systems: (a) the fundamental principles of OWC, (b) devices and systems, (c) modulation techniques and (d) channel models and system performance analysis.The course also covers different challenges encountered in OWCs as well as outlining possible solutions and current research trends. The course will also involve MATLAB® simulations to help students understand the topic under discussion and to be able to carry out extensive simulations.PREREQUISITES: Signals and SystemsINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Sterlite Technologies Ltd., Tejas Networks, BSNL - other Telecom companies, BEL, ITI etc


Week 1: Introduction: Optical Wireless Communication Systems

Existing wireless Access Schemes, OWC/Radio Comparison, Potential OWC Application Areas

Week 2: Optical Sources

LEDs and Lasers (Internal and External Quantum Efficiency, Power and Luminous Efficiency, and Modulation Bandwidth)

Week 3: Detectors

PIN and APD Photodetector, Photodetection Techniques, Photodetection Noise

Week 4: Indoor Optical Wireless Communication Channel Modelling

LOS Propagation Model, Non-LOS Propagation Model, Interference from other other Light sources

Week 5: Outdoor Optical Wireless Communication Channel Modelling

Atmospheric Channel Loss, Beam Divergence, Pointing Loss, Different Atmospheric Turbulence Models

Week 6: Underwater Optical Wireless Communication Channel Modelling

Absorption, scattering, Turbulence, Multipath interference, Physical obstruction, and

Background noise.

Week 7, 8: Modulation Schemes

Digital Baseband Modulation Techniques like PAM, PPM, PIM etc., Multi-carrier Modulation (OFDM) for OWC, Color Shift Keying, NOMA etc.

Week 9: System Performance Analysis: Indoor OWC links

Effect of Ambient Light Sources on Indoor OWC Link Performance, Link Performance for Multipath Propagation

Week 10: System Performance Analysis: Outdoor OWC links

FSO Link Performance under the Effect of Atmospheric turbulence, Atmospheric Turbulence-Induced Penalty and mitigation strategies

Week 11, 12: Use cases and Simulation Exercises

• Indoor OWC link

• O-OFDM and CSK Modulation Schemes

• WiFi/LiFi Co-existence

• V2V Communications

Taught by

Prof. Anand Srivastava

Optical Wireless Communications for Beyond 5G Networks and IoT
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Optical Wireless Communications for Beyond 5G Networks and IoT

Brought by: Swayam

  • Swayam
  • Free
  • English
  • Certificate Available
  • Available at any time
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