Protect enterprise information with Microsoft 365

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  • Module 1: Learn about information protection and how Microsoft technologies can help protect your sensitive data.
  • At the end of this module, you should be able to:

    • Describe the standard journey of a file and the importance of information protection
    • Describe Microsoft 365 technologies that help protect sensitive data
  • Module 2: Learn how Microsoft Information Protection helps your organization meet standards and requirements through supporting classification methods for end users.
  • At the end of this module, you should be able to:

    • Explain the growing digital estate of data
    • Describe how IT and end users can classify data
  • Module 3: Learn how to use information protection sensitivity labels to classify and protect your organizational data.
  • At the end of this module, you should be able to:

    • Explain sensitivity labels and their capabilities
    • Create custom sensitivity labels
    • Apply protection levels based on sensitivity labels
  • Module 4: Learn how information protection helps organizations protect data to prevent data loss or theft.
  • At the end of this module, you should be able to:

    • Explain the importance of data loss prevention technologies
    • Identify the methods of data loss prevention
    • Assess and define data sensitivity
    • Apply Microsoft data loss prevention technologies
  • Module 5: Learn how to use information protection analytics and reporting to maximize data governance and protection.
  • At the end of this module, you should be able to:

    • Monitor data classifications and sensitivity labels
    • Use Microsoft analytics and reporting tools
    • Use the Microsoft 365 compliance center for organizational security
    • Navigate the Microsoft 365 compliance center for compliance with standards and regulations


  • Module 1: Information protection overview
    • Introduction to information protection
    • A day in the life of a file – information protection lifecycle
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 2: Information protection and the growing digital estate
    • Introduction to the digital estate
    • Identify the boundaries in your digital estate
    • Get started on your classification journey
    • Learn the four ways to classify data
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 3: Protect your data with sensitivity labels
    • Introduction to sensitivity labels
    • Define the sensitive data you want to identify and classify
    • Define your sensitivity labels
    • Determine your protection settings based on labels
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 4: Prevent data loss
    • Introduction to Microsoft 365 data loss prevention
    • Define the sensitive data you want to protect
    • Use data loss prevention (DLP) policies to protect your data
    • Summary and knowledge check
  • Module 5: Monitor and analyze sensitive data
    • Introduction to sensitive data and how to manage it
    • Monitor and analyze sensitive data
    • Summary and knowledge check
Protect enterprise information with Microsoft 365
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Protect enterprise information with Microsoft 365

Brought by: N/A

  • N/A
  • Free
  • English
  • Certificate Not Available
  • Available at any time
  • intermediate
  • N/A