Quantum 301: Quantum Computing with Semiconductor Technology

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In the race towards a fault-tolerant quantum computer, the semiconducting qubit platform is, thus far, the only one that has been shown to be scalable. Germanium qubits are a new type of semiconducting qubits, and their progress has been exceptionally fast since the development of the material in 2018.

The program “Quantum 301: Quantum Computing with Semiconductor Technology” is a combination of two advanced level courses about semiconducting quantum technologies. You will learn about the physics behind Germanium qubits, their advantages, and challenges compared to other qubit platforms, and the electrical components that are needed to control them. In addition, you will familiarize yourself with different companies from the semiconducting industry, their fabrication facilities, and the latest developments in the field. You will gain insight into how to embed machine learning into Germanium and other semiconductor qubit tuning and control workflows. You will be able to develop basic machine learning control algorithms and know how to embed them into experimental quantum computing workflow.

To benefit fully from this program, prior knowledge about different fabrication methods, in addition to the previous courses on Edx.org is recommended:

  • Fundamentals of Quantum Information
  • The Hardware of a Quantum Computer

This program is a collaboration between several parties, all of whom have state-of-the-art facilities for fabrication, control, or application of Germanium qubits. By taking this course you will have the opportunity to learn about Germanium qubits and artificial intelligence assisted qubit control from professionals in the field who are conducting innovative research that is not being done elsewhere.


Courses under this program:
Course 1: Machine Learning for Semiconductor Quantum Devices

Learn how to deploy artificial intelligence to control and calibrate semiconductor quantum computing chips

Course 2: Development and Applications of Germanium Quantum Technology

Unravel the physics behind Germanium qubits, their fabrication process, control, and applications. Learn how to apply machine learning for auto-tuning, and how to perform quantum error correction and quantum algorithms.


Taught by

Menno Veldhorst, Eliška Greplová and Giordano Scappucci

Quantum 301: Quantum Computing with Semiconductor Technology
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Quantum 301: Quantum Computing with Semiconductor Technology

Brought by: edX

  • edX
  • Paid
  • English
  • Certificate Available
  • Available at any time
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  • N/A